The Diviner Team Helps Host Two Public Events at UCLA
Members of the Diviner team at UCLA recently participated in two public events hosted by the university: Observe the Moon Night and Exploring Your Universe (EYU). These events gave the team the opportunity to talk about the Moon and share with the public the amazing science being done with Diviner.
Observe the Moon Night was held on October 10th as part of NASA's annual International Observe the Moon Night, which brings together people from around the world to observe the Moon each year. This year’s event at UCLA was a tremendous success, with over 450 visitors participating. Attendees had the opportunity to view the Moon and other celestial objects through numerous telescopes, and enjoy a guided demonstration of datasets from the LRO instruments using Lunar Quickmap, highlighting interesting lunar features and discoveries from the LRO mission.
On November 3rd, the Diviner team hosted a science booth, Diviner: The Moon in Infrared, at the 15th annual EYU science fair at UCLA. EYU, held every November, shares science through hands-on learning, talks, and demonstrations to inspire the next generation of future scientist and engineers. This event provided another great opportunity for the team to showcase the work we do on Diviner, and highlight the underlying science behind the Diviner instrument.

Figure: Observe the Moon Night, October 10th, 2024 on the roof the Math Sciences Building at UCLA.

Figure: The Diviner team hosting a science demonstration at UCLA’s Exploring Your Universe on November 3rd, 2024.